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BioBarrier is a root barrier material which controls root growth.

BioBarrier by Typar


Landscapes and hardscapes require continuous maintenance. While landscapes (softscapes) require continual pruning, trimming and manicuring, hardscapes require pressure washing the fixing of cracks and the protection against invading tree roots. This becomes especially necessary when trees are in close proximity to the hardscape area, with its roots acting as powerful forces from nature which are likely to bring damage to hardscapes as well as building foundations.

Roots are free forces from nature that extends underground and move outwards its tree canopy. As a tree grows, its roots also become larger as well as longer. This is a normal occurrence, but can be quite damaging in the process. As this happens, a greater amount of pressure is also applied on hard surfaces, which causes it damage. In result, this will require repair, which can be quite costly and can cause aesthetic blemishes which can be very difficult to fix.

A Solution to Controlling Nature’s Powerful Forces

A root barrier is a product that acts as a physical underground wall designed to protect structures, like foundations and patios, against tree root damage. With the unique geotextile design of BioBarrier, the product is able to provide flexibility to surround any structure or surface.

A simple application of this root barrier provides reliable protection preventing the aggressive tree roots from crossing the installed protective membrane. With this installed, not only will expenses for yearly root maintenance be eliminated, but also long-term costs concerning fracturing of the harscape surface caused by tree roots.

Characteristics of the BioBarrier Root Control

This material is a multi-year root control system which can be installed in several ways – horizontally, vertically or simply surrounding the root itself to inhibit its growth. Typar guarantees that the product will inhibit the root growth for at least 15 years. It acts like a fabric, specifically a geotextile fabric that is flexible. The fabric features time-release nodules which are filled with herbicide that functions to prevent the occurrence of root-tip cell division without affecting the tree’s overall health.

The material is porous, a characteristic that helps in allowing water, nutrients and air to pass through the fabric with ease. Roots within the zone are redirected while those that are outside are allowed to normally grow. This material has an active ingredient in the form of Trifluralin, about 17.5%. This active ingredient is a non-systemic herbicide capable of biodegrading in the soil. It is characterized with low-water solubility, which is helpful in reducing leaching. Trifluralin is a proven root control product that has been used for over 35 years in agricultural applications.

Types of BioBarrier Control Systems

It is true that shrubs and trees significantly add beauty and value to any property. But behind this advantage is a drawback when their growing roots are factored into the equation. Consider a tree that is planted and growing close to a sidewalk, roadway or building. These are areas that are well-watered, making it likely for the roots to seek more moisture and air due to their rapid growth. As time progresses, there is a huge possibility for the roots to continuously grow up to the surface. This is what causes the cracks and damages seen on concrete and other hard surfaces.

The root control system is designed to prevent this damage from occurring. The fabric can be installed vertically to provide protection to adjacent structures.

This product can be used for in the following applications:

In Dams or Leavees

Tree roots are also capable of growing into levees and dams’ mechanisms, which increases the risk of damaging the equipment causing failure. In this case, the system is installed to ensure and strengthen the integrity of the levees or dams from roots while allowing shrubs and trees to beautify the surrounding areas.

Under Pots

The fabric can be installed inside a larger pot to help roots from growing through the drain holes and attaching to the soil. Containing the roots within the pot using this martial helps in eliminating root damage caused when having to separate the potted plant form it's roots in the ground below.

Along Hardscapes

The system is commonly used along retaining walls, buildings, foundations, swimming pools, parking lots and sidewalks. This is done to prevent roots from damaging these structures, which is guaranteed up to 15 years. In result, it also decreases the possibility of any potential liability and injury from cracking or uneven pavement.

Weed Control Systems

As a weed control system, it is required for the material to be installed horizontally, about 3 inches below stone or wood mulch. The system works by blocking the weeds’ growth through its featured 2-layered defense – physical and chemical. The BioBarrier Weed Control System is capable of providing 10 years of protection against weed growth. With such protection, weeds become unable to cultivate a strong root system while it helps shrub roots and ornamental tree to expand unimpeded.

Even though this root control soution prevents weeds from having a strong root system, it does not disturb the hydrology of the soil. The shrubs and trees surrounding it are still able to receive nutrients to enable good health. Some of the most common weed control applications which this material is used for include:

Dangerous Locations

These includes around street signs, highway guardrails and utility substations where it functions to control growing weeds. Aside from preventing the occurrence of injury, installation of BioBarrier in these places also help in reducing maintenance while improving the overall appearance.

Landscaped Areas

These are areas which are richly fertilized and well-watered, which provides an ideal place for weeds to grow. The strategic installation of the root control material greatly helps in inhibiting the growth of weeds.

Around Trees

Weeds growing around trees prevent them from obtaining its need nutrition and water. One common method that property owners use to prevent that from happening is the use of mulch. This practice does solve the problem, but may also result to damaging the tree trunks when used too much. With BioBarrier, weed growth is not only inhibited, but the use of mulch is also reduced.

Biobarrier Product Sizing Selection Chart

This barrier is designed for root control and preventing root intrusion. The metered release of herbicide from the Biobarrier nodule prevents root penetration. The fabric permits water and nutrients to pass through. Exposure of this barrier outside of the yellow protective bag to the sun’s rays will accelerate herbicide release and degrade the fabric shortening the fabric life.

Biobarrier Root Control Usage Chart

Biobarrier is a long-term solution to root intrusion that can damage landscapes, buildings, and other structures causing harm and added expense. Government regulations and environmental pressures mandated the creation of Biobarrier in 1978 the dept of energy faced an environmental threat. Tree roots were growing through the clay caps and underground walls lining hazardous waste sites. The Department of Energy issued a challenge for a method of protecting the environment from the possibility of toxic leakage. From this, this type of barrier was born.

Biobarrier consists of nodules of trifluralin that are permanently molded through the geotextile. Roots will not grow within 2 inches of the barrier. They are diverted, protecting your investment while maintaining the landscape.

Installed vertically beside the area to be protected the nodules slowly release trifluralin which builds and maintains a root inhibition vapor zone. When roots tips enter the vapor zone cell division ceases in that area, but roots outside of the vapor zone continue to grow.

Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, this barrier falls in “class 4” or practically non-toxic herbicide level. This product is easy to install, place it in the trench using the handy installation strip to secure it in place. Backfill the trench, remove the installation strip, and clean up the area and landscape with trees and shrubs, knowing your structure is safe from its roots.

Tree roots can cause a lot of damage to paved areas such as sidewalks or parking lots. At the least, the results can be unsightly, but they can be dangerous, and the situation can create a major liability for the owner.

When roots reach the barrier's protective zone they’re deflected away, eliminating damage. With this solution there will not be a need to root prune for at least 15 years, reducing labor costs dramatically.

Trees and shrubs can beautify the landscape without threatening your construction investment. In their search for water, roots can pry through underground tanks and pipes, particularly if there’s an imperfection at the seam. The consequences can be disastrous. Pipes and tanks surrounded by the barrier are protected from roots for 15 years or longer.

There are areas weed growth is undesirable or dangerous which led to the creation of this new application of this barrier being placed horizontally. Controlling vegetation at a power station for example becomes more than just an aesthetic issue. Spraying or trimming can be dangerous even fatal. A strong preventative weed solution like this eliminates the weeds and potential risks.

Additionally, roadsides must be kept weed-free for safety’s sake, but safety becomes an issue with frequent weed trimming or spraying on the sides of roads.

Because the placement and trifluralin released into the soil is controlled there is no need for additional spray application. This eliminates overspray/drip that can destroy desirable plants.

Biobarrier roll being installed in residential landscape on the side of a trench.

Biobarrier being installed on the side of a trench

Hardscapes and landscapes are a big investment, and traditional methods of protecting them have meant repeatedly spending time, effort, and money. But a one-time installation of the herbicide impregnated barrier Root Control System or Weed Control System means years of security from roots or weeds growing where they’re not wanted. Constant maintenance is a thing of the past with these easy-to-use systems, allowing you to spend your time and budget in other areas.

The interesting looking nodules on the durable geotextile drainage fabric are the secret to our success. They contain trifluralin, and the way it works is simple. Roots grow when root tip cells divide, and trifluralin prevents root tip cell division. Proven by more than 35 years of agricultural use, trifluralin is an effective, non-systemic herbicide; it simply creates a zone around your hardscape and landscape investments that inhibits root growth.

When the barrier is used for root control, tree roots reaching the zone of trifluralin are redirected, while roots outside the zone continue to grow naturally. When the barrier is used for weed control, the root systems of weeds do not grow in the trifluralin zone next to the fabric; roots of trees and shrubs in the same area are below the zone and are not affected.

Root Barrier Surround System

Tree roots seek out air and moisture in the soil, causing expensive damage to underground infrastructure. Biobarrier's unique geotextile design lends flexibility to surrounding infrastructure, extending the life of your investment

Removal and disposal of below-ground infrastructure is messy, time-consuming, and costly. In areas with aggressively rooting species, root treatment or complete replacement is required every one to five years. This barrier is designed to prevent roots from crossing its protective membrane, eliminating long-term costs from clogging or fracturing caused by roots. With a permeable, non-toxic design, this style of barrier protects investments without impeding infiltration or drainage which maintains optimal system performance over time.

The Surround System is used for:

· Septic tanks and leach fields

· Perforated drain tile

· Stormwater drainage pipes

· Underground storage tanks

· City sewer and municipal water pipes

Pictured: Biobarrier wrapping a pipe at the coupling where its most susceptible to root intrusion

Biobarrier Installed Around a Pipe

Root Control System

Trees and shrubs add value and beauty to property, except when their roots grow into hardscapes, such as sidewalks, buildings and roadways, or into landscaped areas, which are well watered. Then the damage can cost you plenty.

Used vertically, the BIOBARRIER Root Control System protects adjacent structures from root damage. Guaranteed protection for 15 years reduces the chance of injury and potential liability, as well as the costs associated with preventative maintenance and damage repair.

This barrier works invisibly to deflect roots. Its nodules slowly release Trifluralin, preventing root tip cell division, which is the method by which roots grow. A small amount of Trifluralin is constantly released and as it biodegrades, is continuously replaced, ensuring the effectiveness and long life of the herbicide zone.

While physical barriers alone can create root girdling, the barrier stops continued root growth allowing for healthier trees. Placed beside the object to be protected, the barrier creates a zone of protection on all sides of the nodules. Roots growing into the zone are redirected while roots outside the zone continue to grow normally; tree health is not impacted since Trifluralin is not systemic.

Since the system includes a standard drainage fabric, the root barrier allows water, air and nutrients to pass through, not adversely affecting soil hydrology.